Our mission is to serve the Federal, State, and local governmental and nonprofit community with high quality and efficient audit and accounting services. Our results come in the form of assurance that a quality audit has been performed. It also comes in the form of assurances that material compliance requirements have been achieved. Our clients can also be assured that operationally the agency has effective and efficient internal controls.
The following are three examples of how we have achieved our mission:
Harvesters - The Community Food Network was a nascent organization in the late 1980’s. They were operating on a very limited budget but saw extensive needs in feeding the Kansas City community. We performed their audit services for over 10 years. The initial years were based in the assurance that bookkeeping practices were functional. Then the emphasis turned to ensuring that cash flow and a business plan could attract talented people to further the mission. Harvesters has grown and expanded to a new location and is one of the more successful food distribution networks in the country. We are proud to have served in helping to develop that story.
Compliance Audits - We have served Federal and State governments in providing audit services for hundreds of different grants and functions. These audits have provided assurance that the organization is compliant with grant terms, statutes and regulations effecting their operations. We are always hopeful when an audit begins that the organization is fully compliant with all requirements. However, we approach each examination with the possibility that noncompliance can often occur. One of the largest noncompliance matters involved a preneed funeral seller in the State of Missouri. Our audits on National Prearranged Services began in 1992. This examination/monitoring/expert service ultimately resulted in over $500,000,000 in recovered funds for individuals who purchased preneed funeral plans. These recoveries are made with courage, with expertise and with a focus to do what is right. While there are hundreds of stories of our mission in action on audits of this nature, this one stands out due to its effect on an industry and tens of thousands of people.
Quality Control Review Services - As part of our mission in establishing the firm, McBride, Lock & Associates, LLC was and is on the cutting edge in achieving quality audit services. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services initially recognized our talent in this area in the mid- 1980s. We performed Quality Control Reviews of Single Audits for their office and the National External Audit Review Center. We expanded these services to Indian Health Services audits, Legal Services Corporation and also the National Single Audit Sampling Project in 2005. We have performed over 1,000 such reviews. Our mission is always to be fair and to further the cause of ensuring quality audit services to the recipient agencies. This mission requires an expertise in properly conducting an audit and also communication skills with peers on sensitive matters in the performance of an audit.
McBride, Lock & Associates, LLC’s mission will continue to be high quality service on a cost effective basis. This model is entrenched in every aspect of our business operations.